Congratulations to NSW team that competed at the 2015 Australian Championships and NSW members Melissa Wu and Esther Qin on being selected in the 2015 Australian Team to compete at the World Championships in July in Kazan, Russia.


Are you looking for a career in coaching? If you seek to inspire and motivate others, then coaching may be the career path for you. This is a great opportunity to learn the skills to becoming a diving coach. The course is over one evening session and two days, which includes both theory and practical components.


Congratulations to everyone that participated at the 2015 Australian Age Championships. There was certainly some outstanding results from the Championships with NSW picking up many awards at the final night awards dinner.


The Australian diving team has added another two silver medals to its booty from its tour of North America overnight, with the athletes once again bucking the odds to finish on the podium.Esther Qin in the individual springboard, and James Connor and Grant Nel in the springboard synchro, added to the two silver medals won by Australian divers at the Mexico Grand Prix one week ago.


2015 AUSTRALIAN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS & WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SELECTION TRIALS - REGISTRATIONS Registrations are now open for the upcoming 2015 Australian Open Championships & 2015 World Championships Selection Trials being held in Brisbane 30 April - 3 May.

NTID Rules Updated

Diving Australia has updated the rules for the 2015 NTID competition. They have added a synchro competition to each level. It was felt that adding a synchro event to the NTID competition was a good addition for a few reasons including:

2015 PSSA & CHS Results

Congratulations to everyone that competed at the 2015 NSW PSSA & Combined High Schools Championships. The results of the Championships can be found from the Downloads section of the Diving NSW website or you can click on the following link:

2015 Southern One Metre Challenge

Thanks to everyone who helped to make it a very successful competition. We had 34 competitors diving on the one metre board and participating in the one metre Synchro event. The kids enjoyed themselves with even a good game of Volleyball in the mix. We had all ages from 8 to 50+ As it is the fourth year and a return to the Canberra pool-we have introduced medals which was a hit with divers.

6 Session Learn to Dive Program - SOPAC

LEARN TO DIVE Diving NSW welcomes you to participate in a 6 diving lesson Learn to Dive program. All ages are welcome to register for this 6 session Learn to Dive introductory program. See read more for further details.

2015 NSWIS Boys TID Testing Day

Congratulations on a successful testing day for boys, with around fifty boys in attendance at the State Sports Centre. Many will be invited back for stage two testing. Well done Vyninka and Tommo on your orgainising and thanks to everyone that helped out!

2015 Australian Age Championships

The 2015 Australian Age Championships will be held in Brisbane 9-12 April. Please see attached Draft Schedule, State Team Challenge Rules and Club Achievement Application. Please Note: The Competition Information has just been updated as of 7 March 2015.


Finalist Profile - Esther Qin - Athlete of the Year Diving Australia Esther competed in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and won Gold in the women's 3 metre springboard and Bronze in the 1 metre springboard. Alongside this, Es...

The hunt for Australia’s next gold medallist is on!

Just a quick note to let you know the NSW Institute of Sport is on the lookout for Australia’s next diving gold medallist with our ‘come and try’ day at Sydney Olympic Park. For the first time in Australia we’re hosting a boys ...

2015 Barnett Family Meet (3rd Interclub)

Great Day at the 2015 Barnett Family Meet. It was a great day of diving with many participants competing. Madeleine, Steven and Martha attended and helped out with presentations at the first Barnett Family Meet, which is in recognition of their achieve...

NSW School Competitions

The NSW Schools diving competitions are fast approaching. Please see below dates for the majority of Sydney based events. If you are available to judge please advise the Diving NSW office at:

Head Diving Coach - Position Vacant - Auckland New Zealand

Auckland, New Zealand is seeking applications for the position of Head Diving Coach. Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand and has an established elite program. This opportunity is open the Level 2 (Australian/Canada or equivalent) coaches. Pleas...